


生物气密门主要用于气门性要求高的设施房间间的气密性通道开闭,例如有毒性生产区,生物安全实验室(BSL-3BSL-4ABSL-3ABSL-4) 中具有气密性要求的房间。

Biological gas-tight doors are mainly used for opening and closing gas-tight channels between facilities with high valve requirement, such as toxic production areas, biosafety laboratories (BSL-3, BSL-4, ABSCL-3, ABSCL-4) with gas tightness requirements.


The Biological air-tight door adjusts the space between the door frame and door fan by filling and discharging the air with the special air-tight rubber strip to realize the air-tight function and give the state feedback. The biometric gas-tight door is made of stainless steel integrated seamless welding, with excellent air-tight performance and can withstand different disinfection methods. Biogas door can be embedded interlock, access control and other functions, convenience for use.